Friday, September 9, 2011

Forex Mentor: Reputation Matters

We all know that before we can trade forex and become profitable we should do the necessary steps such as acquiring the knowledge, practice/gain experience and then build the account afterward. The good news is you can have all three of them in one place thanks to competition. What are you talking about? I'm talking about forex tutorial/course. These days, you can learn forex trading from the pros and get trading advice (sometimes trading signal too). However, we have to know that there are levels of forex mentor so you can't just pick a forex trading mentor just because they offer great things for one price. The rule of thumb is if it's too good to be true then maybe it is.

The forex market is undoubtedly the biggest marketplace on earth. I mean, where on earth can you find a market that has 4.1 trillion dollar turnover on a daily basis? Also, the crazy thing about this market is it's open around the clock from Monday to Friday. Do you understand what those things mean? It simply means there are numerous people doing transaction at any given time during the earth's rotation. As a result, you can see people from different background making money (and losing money). The bad news is there are a lot of people claiming to be a pro and trying to sell you their knowledge/service and this makes finding a real pro much more difficult. Separating a real professional trader from the regular profitable traders takes time, a lot of time. This is especially true because we don't actually see those traders in person unless we live nearby the residence of the trader because we can then verify his whether his reputation is real or fake.

Is there a way to find a great forex trader with great reputation? Of course there is. One of the ways to quickly identify a great trader is through his credibility. If you want to evaluate a trader's credibility you should start with trying to find out whether the trader have worked in some big companies or not. If the trader has worked in a hedge fund or other financial company it means the trader already have a name in this industry and of course many people have entrusted their money to this trader in the past. Televised appearance is another way of knowing whether the trader have a great reputation is good or not. You might think having appeared in television does not guarantee that the trader is good or not. That way of thinking is valid but you will most likely find the answer yourself. Will you go with a profitable trader with great reputation or with a regular profitable trader? You should also remember that if you stick with great people you have a chance to become great too and that's the rule in life. Moreover, if the trader is acknowledged by other big names in the industry you know that you are dealing with world-class mentor. The success rate of his students is also another way to know for sure whether the mentor is great or not. You know the rule, great teacher produces great student.

Getting a great trader as your mentor is crucial in your forex trading success because things are usually much easier to do when you do it the right way from the very beginning. If you get yourself an average profitable trader you might end up average or even less but if you stick with great mentor you have a chance to also end up great or at least better than average. In the business world you will get what you pay for. If you are only willing to pay for less money you will get yourself a one bed hotel room but if you are willing to pay for top dollar you will get a VIP room and enjoy all the benefits that the other rooms don't offer.

Article Written By B. A. Rogers

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